Friday, November 11, 2011


I am extremely happy today, I am almost done with Light Control through Ethernet. I can't believe it was soooo easy!

I started this project about a week ago, not a new idea or any thing, it is for my own educational purpose


I started with a rough sketch of the idea (pictures are hi res so it will take time to load)

After getting the required components I started implementing directly

5v power is supplied from USB, 3.3v regulator is used for the webserver WIZ200Web from Sparkfun

Relay PCB, to control the 220 VAC

Powering up!

Yay its working, now feedback sensor, Miniature Solar Cell

WIZ200Web - web server (from sparkfun)

Using this guy was awesome, only need to connect two 3.3v pins, four GND pins, Rx0, Tx0. Then from PC use configuration tool to connect/configure and download firmare/webpages.

Below, I was testing in external ATmega168 before using the server (which has ATmega128 with pins you can use for I/O ADC etc)

Ethernet link - blinking!


I've connected my relay driver to PB4 pin (on J2) which is LED0 on the WIZ200web development board, so I was able to control the light.

After that I decided to make two interfaces, one from PC "PC Station" and an "Android Station" and maybe also "iPhone Station"

I started with the simplest, "PC Station" for which I used Visual Basic:

The PC Station is working fine, however, there is small problems with changing the IP Address, if the connection is successful and I tried to change the ip address, it would still say "connected"
Also, I've not implemented Syncing data yet

Since It is working, I thought I'd move to the next step, Android!

The UI on Virtual Manager

I am able so far to toggle the picture ON/OFF, however, I am still looking for how to control the light :D


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