Monday evening, when got in my car going back home, I suddenly got the itch to modify the car a lil.
It is annoying that there is no USB port at least for charging:
It is annoying that there is no USB port at least for charging:
So I decided to add USB port for charging, and while I'm at it, but some blue LEDs :)
I first removed the passenger drawer
and got access to all the wire-mess inside, yay!
Air Bag!!
anyway, I started with the LED for door,
the LED is super bright and is rated for 80mA, the supply is 12v
R = V/I = 12/0.08 = 150 ohm
I soldered 150 ohm directly to the LED and tried to make the assembly in similar form-factor as the original bulb, the result:
amazing, now to my USB charger, the circuit is like:
and I added hot glue to make sure no short circuit happens
Then fixed the LED to place:
and the USB:
now I can charge my phone :)
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